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来源:学大教育     时间:2015-10-17 19:45:37


Lessons learning from daily life从日常生活中学到的教训

When I was a child, I always like reading fairy tales about heros who were good,当我还是个孩子时,我总是喜欢阅读那些非常好的英雄在其中的神话故事,

who had to go through many difficult situations often battling the bad guys before he or she lived happily ever after。他们往往与坏人战斗之前必须要经历许多磨难,之后他或她从此才能过上幸福快乐的生活。

I grew up thinking that the good always trumped over the evil。正义总能战胜邪恶这种想法陪伴着我长大。

Hollywood films are like that too。好莱坞电影也是这样。

No matter what the arts the usually wins at end。无论什么艺术往往能在最后取得胜利。

No matter what happens in the movie,无论在电影里发生什么,

you can assume at the end the good guys win。你都可以假定最后好人赢得胜利。

Well, even though the stories are not so realistic and even though we rarely face peculiar tasks,嗯,即使这些故事并不真实,即使我们很少面临险境,

there are some similarities we share with the heros of the stories or the movies。从英雄的故事或电影当中我们分享到的是一些相同之处。

We learn lessons everyday。我们每天都学习到经验教训。

Just like the characters in,就像里面的人物,

there are lessons to be learned from my daily adventures。从我的每日冒险中可以学到东西。

Sometimes the adventures are bit ordinary,but the experience is .。.有时候冒险有点普通,但是你的经历却是……

The more experience we have and lessons we learn,我们学习到经验和教训越多,

the better we can function and the adventures just get easier,我们越能汲取教训并使以后的冒险更容易,

or at least we can take on bigger challenges or at least avoid making the same mistakes。或者至少我们可以接受更大的挑战或至少避免犯同样的错误。


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