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keep,remain ,stay三个词汇的用法

来源:学大教育     时间:2013-09-27 12:23:13

  keep,remain ,stay三个词汇的用法相信困扰着不少的同学,由于三个词意思相近,是无数学生在英语单项选择中选了自认为正确的错误答案。一下是关于三个词汇的向西介绍,希望能够让同学们对这三个词的意思及用法有深刻的理解。

  ① keep “保持……状态”,后接adj.或介词短语。其后常见:alive, awake, cheerful, silent, dry, well, fit, fine, close, clean, happy, firm,in one’s stand等。

  Have you kept well all these years? 这些年来你身体好么?

  I hope it will keep fine. 我希望天气继续好下去。

  In order to keep fit, all students go in for sports. 为了保持健康,所有学生都参加体育运动。

  We’d better keep in touch. 我们最好保持联系。

  ②remain “仍然存在……状态”,后接adj.、过去分词、名词或介词短语,强调某种状态前后无变化。

  The door remained closed.门仍然关着。

  Kosovo intensity remained high.科索沃局势仍然高度紧张。

  Peter became a judge but John remained a fisherman.彼得当了法官,而约翰依旧是渔民。

  Your room remains like this. 你的房间依旧是这样子。

  ③ stay “保持……状态”,后接形容词、分词。

  That fellow stayed single. 那个小伙子仍保持单身。

  The door stayed closed. 门一直关着(无比较的持续状态)

  It’s easy to stay hidden. 躲起来很容易。

  Please stay seated. 请继续坐着。


  1.表示“继续呆在某处”时,应该用不及物动词remain或stay,例如: Shall I go or stay? Stay indoors for a few days until you recover from your cold. He remained in his seat after all the other students had gone home.

  2.表示“暂住、短期停留”时,只能用不及物动词stay。例如: He is staying at Hilton Hotel. My mother-in-law stayed with us this week when she visited us.

  3.表示“残留、剩下”时,只能用不及物动词remain,例如: Not much of the house remained after the fire. Of the seven brothers, only four now remain; the rest are dead.


  (1)表示“继续保持或处于原来的状态”时,可用remain或stay,例如: Three of them remained single.Shops should remain open till later in the evening. The door stayed closed.But the police themselves prefer to stay unarmed.

  (2)表示“需要设法才能保持或处于某种状态”时,应用keep,例如: She knew she must keep calm. I wishthose children would keep quiet. Although they have many difficulties, they keep happy. Paul managed to keep awake by drinking lots of strong black coffee. (3)表示“使某人或某物保持某种状态”时,只能用及物动词keep,例如: She had kept him waiting twenty minutes on this occasion. Why do you always keep your windows closed?

  以上就是keep,remain ,stay三个词汇的用法的详细介绍。相信大家都会有一中豁然开朗的明悟感。那么下次再遇到关于这三个词汇的使用比较时,大家可不能再犯错误了哦!

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