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来源:学大教育     时间:2014-05-29 20:33:03


Joe bought a farm in the east of the country.He began to build a house on it.Then his new neighbour said to him,“The weather is often very bad here.The wind’s very strong,and it breaks windows and doors.You must build a room under the ground and then you’ll be safe from the wind.”

So Joe built a room under the ground.It was a lot of work.But after that,the weather was good for a very long time.There was no wind.Joe was not happy.He said,“Why did I listen to my neighbour?I didn’t have to make that room under the ground.”

But then one day there was a very strong wind,and Joe and his family had to go down to their room under the ground.When the wind stopped,they came up.All the windows and doors in their house were broken.

1.Where did Joe buy a farm?


2.Why did his neighbour ask him

to build a room under the ground?

Because _____________________.

3.Was it easy to build a room under the ground?


4.How did Joe feel when the weather was fine for a long time?


5.What do you think of Joe’s neighbour?


第一题:Joe bought a farm in the east of the country.

第二题:Because he could build a room under the ground to be safe from the strong wind.

第三题:NO,it is not easy.

第四题:Joe was not happy.

第五题:He is a mind man.


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