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来源:学大教育     时间:2014-05-29 21:47:11


1、我没有足够的睡眠I don't have enough sleep

. 2、我没有足够的时间做回家作业I don't have enough time to do my homework

3、吃得太多使你不健康Eating too much makes you unhealthy.

4、跑步和游泳对你有好处Running and swimming are good for you .

5、我想知道如何解决它I want to know how to solve it.

6、目前画画是我最喜爱的业余爱好At the moment ,painting is my favourite hobby.

7、认真学习并按时上交作业社很重要的 It is very important to work hard and hand in my homework on time.

8、 作业上花费了如此多的时间,以致我找不出时间用于我的爱好 I spend so much time doing my homework that I cannot find any time for my hobbies.

9、 我只是不能决定何时做作业,何时花时间在我的业余爱好上 I just cannot decide when to do my homework and when to spend time on my hobbies.

10、 你能教我如何在这两者之间获得平衡吗? Can you please teach me how to achieve a balance between the two?

11、 对 热爱现在已经变成了大问题 My love of football has become a big problem now.

12、 我们喜欢待在外面踢足球到很晚We like staying out late to play football.

13、 真不理解他们为何如此严格I really don't understand why they are so strict.

14、 我们在业余爱好上花点时间是重要的 It is important for us to spend some time on our hobbies.

15、 能帮助我们放松并使我们的生活丰富多彩 This can help us relax and make our lives colourful.

16、 真不知道怎么办?I really don't know what to do.

17、 能给我提点建议吗?Can you offer me some suggestions?

18、 你没有足够的时间做你的回家作业 You do not have enough time to do your homework。



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